Recruiting now open for Shaman, Rogue, Monk, Cleric, Nercomancer and Beastlord. Exceptional candidates may always apply. Apply Here

Written by Krink

Apologies for the delay I honestly had this written weeks ago but I didn’t want to fight with the images! So here is our expansion update. But I'm blaming it on Chandon because he buffs random mobs. 

Wednesday, January 22th was the launch of part 2 of the Call of the Forsaken expansion. This tier brought some new raids and group missions to the table but no new zones. So we got to take part two of bixie(they used an old school bixie model and it was awesome, West Karana(we learned we helped the bad guys), Dead Hills (undead fun) and Neriak(kill some trash then kill some more!). The new raids were fairly fun and went down in an orderly manner. On the first night of the expansion we beat down raids from Neriak, Bixie and Dead Hills returning night two to finish West Karana. This brought us up in 8th place serverwide this launch. So with the conclusion of the raid content we have /farmstatus on again and are raking in loot like it’s going out of style! Below are some pictures of the fun.







While spending an uneventful night in Neriak. Chandon decided to buff mobs with run speed to "shave 15 seconds off the event"  This lead to most of our tanks dying and a few friends! From everyone in TR....THANK YOU CHANDON!!!! Let’s leave him on the naughty stool for a few months!!!! I changed the picture because I love Bid's version!

PS Full update coming in the next few days!

 Recruiting now open for Shaman, Rogue and Beastlord. Exceptional candidates may always apply. Apply Here

Written by Krink

 Happy New Year to all! As we break in the New Year we are getting ready for beta which should be starting shortly. In the December producers letter they stated that beta should open in early January. So my best guess is beta will launch somewhere between January 1st and 31st but who knows I could be off! While we wait for beta we have been spending the last few months gearing up as well as pummeling T2 so that people can get their chase items and generally just enjoying bashing anything that moves. In the process we have gathered some ugly shields but on the plus side they cover up the pallys rather nicely. Now if only we could do something about the smell...Just kidding guys don't revolt! I know there haven't been an abundance of pictures of late but I will see what can be done about a few more for the next update.


Recruiting now open for Shaman, Rogue and Beastlord. Exceptional candidates may always apply. Apply Here


Written by Krink 

Happy Holidays from TR! Less raiding and more family time is here. As we take a break from farming to spend time with our families, in some case driving all across the country with them! Safe travels to all who are traveling this holiday season. We hope you enjoy your time with each other and will get back to the normal grind after the New Year! Holiday pictures to come as we get more!


Word on the street is that "The Shield" was lonely, and sick of following around guys dressed in yellow; so he's been recruiting more members for his army.... at least we have something to carry Daks' corpses around on now....


Recruiting now open for Shaman, Rogue and Beastlord. Exceptional candidates may always apply. Apply Here

Written by Krink

Ok I know I promised you guys an update with Bixie and Dead Hills pictures like a month ago and I haven’t done that! So here you are! Thank you to Bidaum for the nice pictures and here is the proof of our wins! So now onto what’s new with Township Rebellion . It’s a quiet time for the guild farming like we live in the bread basket of America, we have been clearing Cotf-RoF T3 on a weekly basis! On top of this we have been sprinkling in T2 RoF so that we can get our chase items that go for a whopping 840 coins! Adetia promised that we would do 84 T2 raids so that everyone could get one! Currently we sit at 25 raids done and I can't tell you how excited some of us are to put T2 behind us but it will be worth it! As we move into the holiday season we aren’t up to much other than continual farming and trying to convince Ormus that the Christmas picture doesn’t need to be taken in his gnome torture house! If gnome torture is your thing well stop by Elm Colonial Estates, 105 Terminus Street and check it out, I would advise if you are a gnome don’t go near you may end up the next display.In other news it sounds like froglok monks will be coming into existence at the launch of the anniversary festivities this year. I will be starting a petition to have Adetia turned into a Froglok if you would like to join in on this just drop me a tell at Luclin.Krink.







I was feeling particularly nostalgic today, so I was digging through some old screenshots, and laughing as I went through some very old memories.   So where were we 11 years ago this month?

It was November 2002, and we were eating, breathing and sleeping Planes of Power.  And yes, even back then, we were masters of push and positioning....  check out the wallage in this awesome shot!!


To read a "vintage" front page update from Nov 2002, courtesy of the WayBackMachine -- since we lost all of our early data (/rude you know who), this is the only way to do it...  click here!

Have a quick giggle...

