Recruitment Status/Need:
Bard: | Moderate | Beastlord: | Moderate | Berserker: | Inquire | Cleric: | Moderate |
Druid: | Inquire | Enchanter: | Moderate | Mage: | Moderate |
Monk: | Moderate |
Necro: | Moderate | Paladin: |
Inquire | Ranger: | Inquire | Rogue | Moderate |
SK: | Moderate | Shaman: | Moderate | Warrior: | Inquire | Wizard: | High |
We are announcing a bit of a recruitment drive - something we haven't done in years!! If you are passionate about EverQuest and love spending time in Norrath, check us out! While we are looking specially for bards, beastlords, monks, rogues, as well as a high powered necromancer, wizard or enchanter, we'd consider high playtime, daily attending, super passionate EQ fans regardless of class. We also have a very rare cleric opening as well as one spot for a super active shadowknight. Here in Township Rebellion, we try to offer what we hope will be folks' last home in Norrath, and not because they quit or stop playing -- many of our members have been on our roster for over a decade to fifteen years, and in some cases, *ahem*, over 20 years. Don't let our posted needs put you off, if you are a daily player that loves EQ like we do, reach out! Our last recruitment drive was YEARS ago, and some classes we literally have not had an opening for in more then 10 years - so this is a very rare opportunity that may not come again soon.
We are always on the lookout for exceptional applicants with the potential for high attendance in any class.
We are currently in preparation mode for The Outer Brood Raids. During new content mode we raids Sunday to Wednesday, and we prioritize new content and keeping lockouts cleared while sneaking in other projects where possible. In farm mode, we raid Sunday to Tuesday, and we will include past content in our raiding rotation as needed to complete member achievements and other needs. We also do frequent hunter zone runs, off hours projects, maintain a collectibles bank, and work on obtaining special items such as achievements or highly desired items from days gone by. In short, we do our best to take care of our folks.
Application Requirements:
* Level 125
* High playtime. We tend to run a much leaner roster then other guilds by design, so you have a chance to be a rock star in your class, but we also need you to be online. We only require 60% raid attendance from our members to maintain loot rights. If you are not online for raids you are expected to post your anticipated absences, particularly so as an applicant.
* Quick casting invis item
* Quick casting shrink item
* We Require the use of GINA for audio triggers.
* All incoming applicants are required to use teamspeak. You do not have to have a microphone or ever talk, but we do need you to be able to "listen in".
* We have a Discord server available for those who wish to participate, but do not use it for voice chat (see teamspeak above.)
* Bonus points given towards those who have put in time developing their character through quests, improved augments, clickers, flags, and keys
* Updated Magelo
Our Schedule:
Our new content raiding schedule is formally 7:30pm EST to ~midnight EST, 3 days a week, Sunday through Tuesday, with Wednesdays sprinkled in as needed. In farm time, we drop Wednesdays from the formal schedule. We prefer at least 80% raiding attendance from all of our applicants (barring prearranged/expected absences), so that we can properly evaluate your suitability and fit for the guild. While flags, AA, raiding experience and gear may be negotiable for the right candidate, there is no substitute for playtime. We believe in a fairly trim roster by design so that you get to raid, not just ride the bench with a dozen of your neighbors.

You can find more information about our application process here.
Or, If you are interested in applying to Township Rebellion please contact Adetia or Drizerker in game, or email Adetia at adetia@townshiprebellion.com. You can either register on this site and use the "Contact Adetia" tab to send in your application or you can use good oldfashioned email ;) If you have any trouble with the website, PLEASE reach out in game or via email.