Its that time of year again, when we have been very busy with beta testing, as we eagerly anticipate raid content in the newest EverQuest expansion, The Outer Brood! Check out this amazing video put together for us by Fading of the EverQuest show.. If you look closely, you can also peep us in his latest episode, The Outer Brood Review. We are looking for some new friends who are as passionate about EverQuest as we are - more on that below! This year's expansion features none other then *Space Dragons* something we have all been waiting for, including a leviathan with an entire city on its back. With almost entirely new zones, several new raids, and some of the most beautiful artwork yet, tihs latest addition to Norrath will be where we spend the majority of our time over the next year.

We are pleased to announce that we are opening a recruitment drive - something we haven't done in years!! If you are passionate about EverQuest and love spending time in Norrath, check us out! While we are looking specially for bards, beastlords, monks, rogues, as well as a high powered necromancer, wizard or enchanter, we'd consider high playtime, daily attending, super passionate EQ fans regardless of class. We also have a very rare cleric opening as well as one spot for a super active shadowknight. Here in Township Rebellion, we try to offer what we hope will be folks' last home in Norrath, and not because they quit or stop playing -- many of our members have been on our roster for over a decade to fifteen years, and in some cases, *ahem*, over 20 years. Don't let our posted needs put you off, if you are a daily player that loves EQ like we do, reach out! Our last recruitment drive was YEARS ago, and some classes we literally have not had an opening for in more then 10 years - so this is a very rare opportunity that may not come again soon.

I've been the guild leader of TR for an extremely long time, having joined more then two decades ago, and have seen the guild through gamewide firsts, server firsts, and most importantly, developing a core of raiders that gathers to celebrate EQ and have a great time playing. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who has been leading an end-game guild for as long as I have, and its one of my top priorities to ensure this guild, in the longterm, is happy and healthy. That's a job i take very seriously, and very personally. We're less focused on the first thirty minutes of racing then some others, and more concerned with having a great year and tending our EQ family. We're mostly a guild of adults with jobs and families, so some folks have to come late or some leave early... we take major holidays off, and we try to help each other best we can.
I try to lead with two primary goals in mind:
1. Stick with me, and I'll stick with you. Here in TR you won't get tossed if your class goes out of style, and you wont be expected to swap to a persona, or redo 25 years of work. If something happens in your life, we'll figure it out when you are ready to play again. We tend to be more focused on the player behind the character, then the virual toon.
2. I want TR to be your last guild, and not because you quit playing! ;) But because we are meeting your needs, whether its helping you fill your collections, complete hunters, have people to hang out to, supply you with endless amounts of terrible jokes, or stomp on raid content.
But don't just take my word for it, here's what a few of my members had to say when I asked them for a little blurb for my recruitment efforts: